Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You are my sweetest downfall.

Sometimes I feel lost in this trance, it's so dream-like, but nightmareish, and it's like I'm falling, falling. No one is there to catch me. Nobody can hear me scream, nobody sees me. That's like life, we're all in this together but we are really just alone. Someone might be holding you at night but they're thinking their own thoughts, they are their own person. You can have a best friend forever but you're still alone. The trick is to find the people who make you feel like this isn't true, but really it still is. It can still be comforting.

So tonight,
sing yourself to sleep.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I've had my share of closing doors.

I don't want to keep anything inside anymore.
I want to be free of every single inhibition I have.
I just don't know where to start.
[how about from the beginning?]

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Sometimes I have entire days devoted to just thinking about everything. Do you ever get the feeling that maybe you just might think too much? Absolutely. But then I would never feel like my happiness was real. I can't live in that artificial sugar coated world some people seem to be so comfortable in. In other news, I really love Led Zeppelin.
...and fast food burritos.
Dammit, Lent has only been going on for 4 days. :[